
Cell/Mobile phones and other electronic recording devices are not to be used during any in-person class or session.  Copies of any material will be made available at no charge on request.

While humor is a good thing, there will be no jokes or playing that might cause any injury or damage to anyone or anything.

You  are free to use the living room, dining room, kitchen, both bathrooms and the yard (front and back).  Nobody is to enter any other rooms without permission. The machine shop is never entered without an escort, machine shops are inherently dangerous and things change from day to day.  No use of our computers, tools, or other machines without permission.  For some items you will need special training which we can provide.  Younger people will need parental consent for use of any machine shop tools.

Never disturb anyone using a dangerous tool or performing a delicate task.

If something or someone is in danger (fire, falling over, etc.), DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!  Alert people, unplug malfunctioning machines, assist someone in need.

Books and other documentation do not leave the house, but students may copy pages out of any regular book.  They must ask permission for access to documentation on specific jobs, much of it is private to a customer.

We speak American English and some Russian (we’re still learning), please communicate in English but feel free to help us with our Russian, we’re students too.

You can find just about anything on the Internet, and much of it is wrong.  Do not believe the first source of information you come across unless you have good reason to believe it (such as a drawing from the manufacturer of a part is probably right, but not always).